The William and
Charlotte Parks
Foundation for
Animal Welfare
The Foundation was established to improve the status of animals worldwide through studies of the science and philosophy of animal welfare/rights and to reduce, through practical efforts and initiatives, the suffering and harm inflicted on animals by human beings.
The Parks Foundation makes awards, usually not more than $10,000 per annum, to support projects, research, and other activities calculated to advance the welfare of animals.
The Grants Committee makes grants to both animal protection organizations and to individual scholars pursuing work consistent with the goals of the Trust founders.
The Parks Foundation is proud to recognize and support the organizations who have been awarded grants in previous years.
About Us
William and Charlotte Parks devised an excellent mechanism to ensure that the funds would go to appropriate projects of which they would have approved. In contrast, a number of other trusts established to support animal welfare before and since the Parks Trust’s formation have not honored their founders’ wishes (as laid out in the original documents establishing those trusts).
Our Mission
The Foundation was established to improve the welfare of animals worldwide through studies of the science and philosophy of animal welfare/rights and to reduce, through practical efforts and initiatives, the suffering and harm inflicted on animals by human beings.